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City Council President’s statement in response to the DOJ opening a ‘Patterns or Practices’ investigation into Baltimore’s police department

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE         Contact: Lester Davis
Friday, May 8, 2015     410-396-4804 (office)

443-835-0784 (mobile)


City Council President’s statement in response to the DOJ opening a ‘Patterns or Practices’ investigation into Baltimore’s police department

BALTIMORE, MD – “Today’s announcement represents a watershed moment for the City of Baltimore. I am reminded of the many men and women, young and old, who have suffered injustice at the hands of a minority of persistently rogue officers over many generations. This federal civil rights probe should serve as a steppingstone toward justice for them and their families.

The many honorable men and women of the Baltimore Police Department should accept today’s news as a sign of a rebirth in their relationship with the communities they are sworn to protect and serve.

To the minority of law-breaking cops who are still in our midst, today’s news is concrete proof that business as usual will no longer be tolerated in the City of Baltimore.

The road to reconciliation will not be easy, but the journey is necessary in order to provide our citizens with the first-class department they want and deserve.”





Candance Greene
Deputy Director of Communications
Office of City Council President Nick J. Mosby

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